Industry Partners
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Breakdown of Industry Partners working with the MBI Project
Industry Project Partners
ABRI-Tech’s mission is to make the production and use of bioenergy accessible and economically viable for any company wishing to reduce its environmental footprint. Given the potential use of wood and plant by-products from multiple industries (forestry, agriculture, recycling, etc.), ABRI-Tech’s objective is to add value and convert these bi-products into bio-oil, which can serve as an alternative to fossil fuels.
Carino Processing
Carino Processing Limited is an industry partner focused on sustainable harvesting and manufacturing of seal-based products primarily for the human and animal health markets. A primary focus of Carino Processing Limited is the sustainable development of seal oil products with validated human health benefits for the commercial market.
Clearwater Seafoods
Clearwater Seafoods was founded in 1976 as a small, local lobster retailer in Nova Scotia. Over 40 years later, Clearwater has grown to become one of North America’s largest vertically-integrated seafood companies and is recognized globally for its superior quality, food safety, diversity of species and reliable worldwide delivery of premium seafood. Since its founding, Clearwater has invested in science, communities, people and technological innovation, as well as resource management to sustain and grow its seafood resource. This commitment has allowed the company to remain a leader in today’s global seafood market and in sustainable seafood excellence.
Kean Marine
Based in Conception Bay South, Kean Marine Inc. (KMI) harvests pieces of icebergs off northeast Newfoundland using a barge equipped with a hydraulic excavator arm. The resulting icewater is used commercially in consumer beverages.
Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA)
The Newfoundland and Labrador Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA) is a member-based organization that represents the interests of seafood farmers and their suppliers in Newfoundland and Labrador. We are passionate advocates on behalf of our members to facilitate and promote the responsible development of the aquaculture industry.
Newfoundland Seaweed Company
Local company in Newfoundland and Labrador harvesting and processing small batches of culinary seaweeds. Climatic conditions are known to play an important role in mediating the chemical composition, quality and value of seaweed for food formulation. Newfoundland and Labrador has the longest coastline in Canada and the cold ocean temperatures provide an excellent environment supporting several species of marine seaweed.
North Atlantic Aquaponics/Growing for Life
North Atlantic Aquaponics is a Newfoundland-based company established primarily for trading/exporting live eels to the export markets in Asia.
Ocean Frontiers Institute
The Ocean Frontier Institute, established in 2016, is a partnership led by Dalhousie University, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and University of Prince Edward Island. The Institute is now an international entity administering the Canada First Research Excellence Fund – The Safe and Sustainable Development of the Ocean Frontier, the Ocean Graduate Excellence Network (OGEN), Ocean School, and the North Atlantic Carbon Observatory (NACO).
Qalipu Development Corporation (QDC)
The Qalipu Development Corporation (QDC) is the business investment arm of the Qalipu First Nation (QFN). It is an independent, arms-length entity responsible for managing the QFN investment interests, businesses, and properties. The QDC is an incorporated company which also oversees several other QFN business operations including Mi’kmaq Commercial Fisheries (MCF). Aside from managing the Band’s existing portfolio of investments, the QDC also aggressively pursues new business opportunities in the fisheries, forestry, agricultural and technology sectors. Both the QDC and MCF are profitable, self-sustaining companies.
St. Anthony Basin Resources Incorporated (SABRI)
St. Anthony Basin Resource Inc. (SABRI) is a community organization that formerly operated three mussel farm sites and a primary processing facility at St. Lunaire Griquet in Newfoundland and Labrador. A primary focus of SABRI is self-sustainable aquaculture operation providing resilient economic support to the rural, coastal remote communities it represents.